New patients

Enrolment criteria

We are currently accepting enrolments. You must live within our geographical area, as detailed below. Please see our reception team for enrolment forms. Please avoid the lunch hours between 12 noon and 2pm. Thank you.

At Piki Te Ora Health Centre, we usually have approximately 5,700 patients enrolled with us at any one time. The geographical area that we take new patients from includes some areas of Avondale, Bromley, Bexley, Dallington, Linwood, New Brighton, Phillipstown, Richmond, Shirley, and Wainoni. Don’t hesitate to contact our reception team if you wish to know if you are within our catchment area.

Sometimes, we need to close our books and do not accept enrolments to ensure we have enough appointments for the enroled patients.

Enrolment checklist

  • If you’re enrolling manually,  have you completed both sides, signed and dated the enrolment form
  • Have you checked the transfer of patient notes from the previous GP and provided their name? (If applicable, New Patients only)
  • Have you provided proof of your eligibility
    1. A copy of your current or expired New Zealand Passport + Utility bill.
    2. Birth certificate & photo ID
    3. Passport & work visa details. Work Visa must be 2 years.
  • Have you provided a copy of a utility bill verifying your address
  • Have you included employer details, if applicable?
  • Please note, we will not accept any incomplete enrolment documents.

Our catchment zone

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